Paintings by Edy Raby


Edy Raby, oil painter, creates realistic still life images and surrealistic images. Edy’s love of painting began as a small child when she saw a still life in a downtown San Francisco art gallery window. She wanted to know how the artist made it look so vibrant and real. Even the water drop on the cherry was magical!

Edy finds inspiration for her still life paintings in humble objects such as work-worn hand tools, familiar food items and lovingly worn toys. As an artist, Edy wants to open our eyes to the eternal beauty of simple gifts which surround our daily lives but often go unnoticed.

In her surreal paintings, Edy finds herself portraying the possibility of personal transformation. Fruits levitate out windows, objects morph into other objects. Our lives are a constant flow of possibility for those willing to embrace transformation.

Edy studied art and design at U.C.Berkeley. Then, as have many graduates of art school, she wandered through various kinds of employment including retail display, museum exhibit design and operating her own wearable art business. She eventually became an art teacher and retired from that in 2012. She studied painting with Charles Becker, a nationally known painter from Sonoma County.

Edy’s work is displayed in various venues around Marin County, California. Her painting “Fruit Flies” appeared in Marin Magazine as a finalist for their May 2015 cover contest. A long time resident of Marin, Edy currently lives in Novato with her husband Paul and their fun loving cats, Ansel and Adams.